
  • Industry programs in nanotechnology

By completing MSc program in nano technology, an internship program is an opportunity to test drive a career without making any serious commitments. It provides participants with experiences, lessons, and the tools they will need to get a full-time responsibility in the future. It is a period of work experience offered by an organization for a limited period of time.

An internship is an opportunity to test out all the skills that has been developed in university/college and see how they work in the real world.

Holding time:

Work experience internships usually occur following completion of a Masters Program in 1 to 3 months.

Gains from an internship Program:

Interns gain experience, develop skills, make connections, strengthen their resumes, learn about a job, and assess their interests and abilities. Some other gains come as follows:

  • New and improved skills and how to apply them
  • Professional communications
  • Networking
  • Making connections
  • Gaining experience and increasing marketability.

No longer optional, an internship is one of the first things employers look on resumes.


Internship Duration:

Summer internships are about 4 to 12 weeks long.

Mode of Delivery

This program would be held offshore